
Produktu berriak

Aluminiozko Die Casting Auto piezak

High pressure aluminum die casting auto parts is one of the important product lines that Auwell co-operated with our manufactures for our worldwide clients. Auwell manufacture is professional in aluminum die casting auto parts tooling development, high pressure die-casting, CNC machining, surface treatment and assembling, all manufacturing processes are carried out under one roof. Auwell is the strategic partner for VW, GM, Ford and Borgwarner. 


Zehaztapen Teknikoak

-Core Elementua Materiala

H13, 1.2344 (X40 CRMoV51), 1.2367 (X38CrMoV5-1), H11, 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1)

Bolster Material: P20, 1.2312, 1.2738

-Osagai estandarrak

HASCO, LKM estandarra edo neurrira egindakoa

-Popular Product Material

AL226, AL230, AlSi10Mg, A360, A380, A413 and A304 K-alloy, ADC12, ADC10 etc.

-Produktuaren gainazalaren akabera

Auwell aluminum die casting auto parts surface treatment includes but is not limited to: brush, line polishing, high gross polishing, mirror polishing, sand blaster, anodizing, zinc-plating, chrome-plating, nickel-plating, powder coating, silver coating, E-coat, wet paint, silk screening and stenciling etc.

-Gehienezko mekanizazio itxiera indarra

4,000 tons, part weight: 5-30,000g



-Rich Experience

More than 20 years of experience in high pressure aluminum die casting auto parts development and production, especially to the European and North American markets, with solid understanding of the material, technical and quality standards worldwide.

-Fast Turnaround

Orokorrean, akutazioa eskaintzen dugu 3 laneguneko epean. Fabrikazioko azken teknologiak eta instalazioak konbinatuz, Auwellek hasierako laginak eman ditzake 5 astetan proiektu sinpleetarako.

-Comprehensive Solution Provider

Auwell provides comprehensive services for high pressure aluminum die casting auto parts starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.

-Rigid QC Policies

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection for aluminum die casting auto parts orders. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. Other reports include dimensional reports, surface treatment thickness, and salt fog test reports, etc. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with TS16949 requirements and drawing specifications.

-Flexible Payment Term

Masa ekoizteko, ordainketa baldintza malguak eskaintzen ditugu, arrazoizko kreditu baldintzak emango dira, bezeroak bakarrik ordaindu du jasotako produktuarekin pozik dagoenean. Epe luzerako proiektuetarako, deialdien inbentario zerbitzuak eskaintzen ditugu entrega azkarreko eskakizunetarako.


Presio altuko aluminiozko galdaketa automatikoko piezen honako katalogo hauek dira. Egin klik dagokion irudian xehetasunak lortzeko. Jakin ezazu, produktu gehienak erakusketarako soilik direla.

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Txinako Aluminiozko Die Casting Auto piezak fabrikatzaile eta Aluminiozko Die Casting Auto piezak hornitzaile profesionalak garen heinean, bezeroei proiektuak kudeatzeko zerbitzu integralak eskaintzen dizkiegu. Gure lantegiak ODM / patentatutako produktuak garatzeko zerbitzuak eskaintzen ditu, kontzeptutik diseinura, prototipoak, tresneria eta produkzio masiboa. Ongi etorri Auwell-en Txinan egindako Aluminiozko Die Casting Auto piezak pertsonalizatuak erostera. Gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, jarri gurekin harremanetan.
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