
Produktu berriak

Wheel Hub

Gurpilaren gurpilaren multzoak autoaren ibilgailuaren gurpilak lotzen dituzten gurpil-zutoinak biltzen ditu eta frontendeko zuzendaritza eta esekidura sisteman eta atzeko muturrean atzeko ardatzean muntatuta daude.

Auwell gurpilaren zentroak batez ere forjaketa bidez egiten dira eta ondoren CNC fresaketa egiten dute, gero gainazalaren tratamendua. Zenbait kasutan, inbertsio galdaketa ekoizpen prozesua ere bada. Gurpilaren erdiguneko materiala gehienetan aleaziozko altzairua da, baina horietako batzuk aluminiozkoak dira. OEM osagaien hornitzaile gisa, Auwell-ek gurpilaren zentroa garatzen du bezeroen marrazki eta zehaztapenen arabera.


Auwell-en kontratuaren fabrikazioa gurpilen zentroaren eta zuzendaritza-artilei, splineconnectors eta spline mahuka piezak ekoizten espezializatuta dago automobilgintzarako.

The picture displayed is for demonstrating our production capability. Clients that are interested in wheel hub product development, kindly please contact us for details.

Auwell abantailak

-Rich Experience

More than 10 years of experience in Wheel Hub products development and production, with solid understanding of the material, technical and quality standards worldwide.

-Fast Turnaround

Oro har, 3 laneguneko aurrekontua eskaintzen dugu. Fabrikazio-teknologia eta instalazio berrienak konbinatuz, Auwellek prototipo azkarrak eman ditzake bi aste barru proiektu sinpleetarako.

-Irtenbide hornitzaile integrala

Auwell provides comprehensive services for Wheel Hub projects starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.

-Rigid QC Policies

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection. For quality control of Wheel hub parts, we provide set of test reports including chemical components, mechanical property, X-ray test, metallographic analysis report etc. For dimension inspection, we offer 3D scanning report, also CMM is available for inspection. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with TS16949 requirements and drawing specifications.

-Flexible Payment Term

Tooling payments need to be pre-paid. For mass production, we offer flexible payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.

For details about our steering knuckles, spline connectors and Spline Mahuka piezak, kindly please visit following links:

Steering Knuckles

Spline konektorea

Spline Mahuka piezak

The following catalogues of wheel hub parts are the ones that Auwell has produced and supplied to our distinguished worldwide clients. Please click the relevant pictures for details. Please be advised, most of the products are for demonstration purposes only.

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Txinako Wheel Hub fabrikatzaile eta Wheel Hub hornitzaile profesionalak garen heinean, bezeroei proiektuak kudeatzeko zerbitzu integralak eskaintzen dizkiegu. Gure lantegiak ODM / patentatutako produktuak garatzeko zerbitzuak eskaintzen ditu, kontzeptutik diseinura, prototipoak, tresneria eta produkzio masiboa. Ongi etorri Auwell-en Txinan egindako Wheel Hub pertsonalizatuak erostera. Gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, jarri gurekin harremanetan.
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