
Produktu berriak

High Pressure Die Casting


Die casting is a metal casting process that is characterized by forcing molten metal under high pressure into a mold cavity. The mold cavity is created using two hardened tool steel dies and work similarly to an injection mold during the process. The typical material for high pressure die casting are aluminum, zinc, magnesium, copper, and tin-based alloys. Depending on the type of metal being cast, a hot, or cold-chamber machine is used. Auwell typically provides services for hot chamber aluminum and zinc die casting molds and products.

Presio handiko trokelaketa galdaketa barrunbe bakar edo anitzetan egin daiteke, unitateen trokelen erabilera edo trokelen konbinazioa produktuaren eskakizunen araberakoa da.

Different type of dies in the die casting process:

-Single cavity to produce one component

-Multiple cavities to produce several identical parts

-Unitatea hiltzen da zati desberdinak aldi berean sortzeko

-Konbinazio trokel bat muntatzeko hainbat zati desberdin ekoizteko

The casting equipment and the metal dies represent large capital costs. It is thus especially suited for a large quantity of small to medium sized castings, which is why high pressure die casting produces more castings than any other casting process. High pressure die casting is characterized by an excellent surface finish (by casting standards) and dimensional accuracy.

High pressure die casting is now considered as an industrial procedure, used to manufacture parts for sale, or as part of machines for any other commercial or industrial production. The process allows production of accurate products to the desired size, shape, and thickness with tight tolerances, making it the most simple yet effective casting process, essential for creating metal parts with specified details and quality demands.

High pressure die casting is proven as beneficial to products. In this process, various modifications can be made to the production. Manufacturers spend less funds and less time in the making of the produced die-cast parts which are more attractive to the eyes of the buyers.

Presio altuko galdaketa bidez, mekanizazio osteko eta errepikatutako moldeak ezabatu daitezke. Prozesua oso ekonomikoa da eta prozesu honekin egindako produktu amaituak zehatzak eta iraupen luzekoak dira.

Presio handiko galdaketa prozesua beste edozein fabrikazio-teknika baino forma eta osagai ugari eskaintzen duen prozesu eraginkorra eta ekonomikoa da.

Honako hauek dira presio altuko galdaketaren abantailak:

-High-Speed Production

Presio altuko trokelatuak molde konplexuak onartzen ditu tolerantzia estuagoen barruan beste masa ekoizpen prozesu askorekin alderatuta. Mekanizazio gutxi edo bat ere ez da beharrezkoa eta milaka galdaketa identiko egin daitezke tresneria osagarriak egin aurretik.

-Zehaztasun eta egonkortasun dimentsional bikaina

High pressure die casting produces parts that are durable with dimensional consistancy while maintaining close tolerances. They are also heat resistant.

-Strength and weight

High-pressure die casting parts have considerable high tensile strength at 415mpa. Thin wall castings are stronger and lighter than those possible with other casting methods.  

-Akabera teknika anitzak

High-pressure die-cast parts can be produced with smooth or textured surfaces, and they are easily plated or finished with minimum surface preparation.

-Muntaketa sinplifikatua

Presio altuko die casting bidez lotzeko elementu integralak eskaintzen ditu, hala nola zulak eta zutoinak. Zuloak neurtu eta neurrira egin daitezke, kanpoko hariak bestela igarotzen dira.

Auwell offers various types of services to fulfill the clients’ requirements. We have a rich experience in designing and manufacturing high pressure die casting tools for the worldwide market, especially EU countries. We produce dies and cast products, including machining and surface treatment, for our clients.

Technical Specifications 

-Core Elementua Materiala

H13, 1.2344 (X40 CRMoV51), 1.2367(X38CrMoV5-1), H11, 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1)

Bolster Material:P20, 1.2312, 1.2738

-Standard Components

HASCO, LKM standard or custom made

-Popular Product Material

AL226, AL230, AlSi10Mg, 360.380.383, 413 eta A304 K aleazioak, ADC12, ADC10, Zamak 3, Zamak 5, ZA-8, ZA-12eta ZA-27 etab.

-Product surface finishing

Includes but is not limited to: brush, line polishing, high gross polishing, mirror polishing, sand blaster, anodizing, zinc-plating, chrome-plating, nickel-plating, powder coating, silver coating, E-coat, wet paint, silk screening and stenciling etc.

-Maximum Machining Closing Force

4,000 tons, part weight: 5-30,000g



-Rich Experience

More than 20 years of experience in high pressure die casting products development and production, especially to the European and North American markets, with solid understanding of the material, technical and quality standards worldwide.

-Fast Turnaround

Orokorrean, akutazioa eskaintzen dugu 3 laneguneko epean. Fabrikazioko azken teknologiak eta instalazioak konbinatuz, Auwellek hasierako laginak eman ditzake 5 astetan proiektu sinpleetarako.

-Comprehensive Solution Provider

Auwell provides comprehensive services for high pressure die casting projects starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.

-QC politika zurrunak

Kalitate politika zorrotzena materialen kontroletik abiatzen da, eta azken bidalketa aurreko ikuskapenera arte jarraitzen da. Materialen ziurtagirien artean, errotaren ziurtagiria, hirugarrenen osagai kimikoak eta jabetza mekanikoen txostenak daude, baita RoHS eta REACH txostenak ere hala eskatuta. Beste txosten batzuk dimentsioen txostenak, gainazalaren tratamenduaren lodiera eta gatz-lainoaren proben txostenak daude, etab. Gure prozesuak egituratzen ditugu, fluxu-diagramak eta kontrol-planak sortu aurretik, ziurtatu QC prozesu guztiak ISO9001-2015 eskakizunen eta zehaztapenen marrazkiaren arabera.

-Ordainketa Malguaren Epe

Masa ekoizteko, ordainketa baldintza malguak eskaintzen ditugu, arrazoizko kreditu baldintzak emango dira, bezeroak bakarrik ordaindu du jasotako produktuarekin pozik dagoenean. Epe luzerako proiektuetarako, deialdien inbentario zerbitzuak eskaintzen ditugu entrega azkarreko eskakizunetarako.



Presio altuko galdaketa-produktuak asko erabili dira ia industria sektore guztietan, besteak beste:

-Aerospace and defense


-Agriculture Machinery






-Consumer Products

The following catalogues of high pressure die casting products are the ones which Auwell has produced and supplied to our distinguished worldwide clients. Please click the relevant pictures for details. Please be advised, most of the products are for demonstration purpose only.

Aluminum Die Casting Automobilgintza Parts
Aluminum Die Casting Industriala Parts
High Pressure Die Casting Tooling
Presio altuko zinkezko galdaketa piezak

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Txinako High Pressure Die Casting fabrikatzaile eta High Pressure Die Casting hornitzaile profesionalak garen heinean, bezeroei proiektuak kudeatzeko zerbitzu integralak eskaintzen dizkiegu. Gure lantegiak ODM / patentatutako produktuak garatzeko zerbitzuak eskaintzen ditu, kontzeptutik diseinura, prototipoak, tresneria eta produkzio masiboa. Ongi etorri Auwell-en Txinan egindako High Pressure Die Casting pertsonalizatuak erostera. Gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, jarri gurekin harremanetan.
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