
Produktu berriak

Plastiko injekzioaren gainmoldaketa


Plastic Injection Overmolding is the injection molding process where one material (usually a TPE) is molded onto a second material (typically a rigid plastic). If properly selected, the overmolded TPE will form a strong bond with the plastic that is maintained in the end-use environment. The use of primers or adhesives is no longer required to achieve an optimum bond between the two materials.

Injekzio plastikozko gainmoldaketa produktuen diseinuaren ezaugarri ugari hobetzeko erabil daiteke, besteak beste

-Bibrazioen moteltzea

-Erosotasun maila handitzea

-Uraren aurkako zigilua

-Soinu xurgapena

-Isolamendu elektrikoa

Two injection molding processes dominate the manufacture of Plastic Injection Overmolding: insert molding and multi-shot injection molding.

-Txertatu moldura

Plastikozko injekzioaren gaineko moldaketarako gehien erabiltzen den prozesua txertatze moldea da, non aurrez moldeatutako txertaketa molde batean jartzen den eta TPE zuzenean jaurtitzen den. Txertaketak moldeatzearen abantaila da jaurtiketa bakarreko IM makina konbentzionalak erabil daitezkeela (makineria gastu berriak ez dira beharrezkoak), eta txertaketaren moldaketarekin lotutako tresneria kostuak jaurtiketa anitzeko prozesatzearekin baino txikiagoak dira.

-Materialen moldaketa anitza

Multiple material, also known as two-shot (or multi-shot) Plastic Injection Overmolding process, molding requires a special injection molding machine that is equipped with two or more barrels, allowing two (or more) materials to be shot into the same mold during the same molding cycle. A molder will choose multi-shot molding to reduce cycle times, achieve superior part quality and reduce labor costs.

For Plastic Injection Overmolding process selection, in general, insert molding is the process of choice when annual production volumes and local labor costs are low. For higher volume production programs (over 250,000 units annually) or areas with increased labor costs, multi-shot molding operations are the method of choice.  

Auwellek txertatzeko moldaketa eta material anitzeko plastikoa injektatzeko moldaketa prozesua eskaintzen die bezeroei.



-Esperientzia aberatsa

20 urte baino gehiago daramatza Injekzio Plastikoen Overmolding produktuaren garapenean eta zati ekoizpenean, batez ere Europako eta Ipar Amerikako merkatuetan, mundu osoko material, teknika eta kalitate estandarrak ondo ulertuz.

-Fast Turnaround

Orokorrean, akutazioa eskaintzen dugu 3 laneguneko epean. Fabrikazioko azken teknologiak eta instalazioak konbinatuz, Auwell-ek 6 aste barru lehen lagina entregatu dezake.

-Comprehensive Solution Provider

Auwell provides comprehensive services for Plastic Injection Overmolding projects starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.

-Rigid QC Policies

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection for Plastic Injection Overmolding orders. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.

-Flexible Payment Term

For tooling, the general payment term is 50%-50%, meant 50% deposit, 50% after first sample free. For mass production, we offer flexible payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.


Lotutako produktuak

Plastic Injection Mold for Automotive Parts
Plastic Injection Parts
Plastic Thermoforming Parts
Kautxua eta silikonazko moldura

The following catalogues of plastic injection parts are the ones which Auwell has produced and supplied to our distinguished worldwide clients. Please click the relevant pictures for details. Please be advised, most of the products are for demonstration purpose only.  

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Txinako Plastiko injekzioaren gainmoldaketa fabrikatzaile eta Plastiko injekzioaren gainmoldaketa hornitzaile profesionalak garen heinean, bezeroei proiektuak kudeatzeko zerbitzu integralak eskaintzen dizkiegu. Gure lantegiak ODM / patentatutako produktuak garatzeko zerbitzuak eskaintzen ditu, kontzeptutik diseinura, prototipoak, tresneria eta produkzio masiboa. Ongi etorri Auwell-en Txinan egindako Plastiko injekzioaren gainmoldaketa pertsonalizatuak erostera. Gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, jarri gurekin harremanetan.
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