Industriako berriak

Process characteristics of sheet metal

Txapa, prozesatzeko teknologia batek, oraindik ez du xaflaren definizio nahiko osoa izan. Atzerriko aldizkari profesional bateko definizioaren arabera, honela defini daiteke:txapa is a comprehensive cold working process for metal sheets (usually below 6mm), including shearing, punching/cutting/compounding, folding, riveting, splicing, Forming (such as car body), etc. Its notable feature is the uniform thickness of the same part.
Prozesuaren ezaugarriaktxapa
Txapa has the characteristics of light weight, high strength, electrical conductivity (can be used for electromagnetic shielding), low cost, and good mass production performance. It has been widely used in electronic appliances, communications, automotive industry, medical equipment and other fields. In computer cases, cell phones, and MP3, txapa is an indispensable part. As the application of txapa becomes more and more extensive, the design of txapa parts has become a very important part of the product development process. Mechanical engineers must be proficient in the design skills of txapa parts, so that the designed txapa meets the product requirements. The function and appearance requirements can make the stamping die manufacturing simple and low cost.
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