
Produktu berriak

Plastikozko Pala-heldulekua

Plastikozko Pala-heldulekua

Plastic Shovel Handle, the best-sell handle in North American market

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

Auwell plastikozko palaren heldulekua salduena den artikuluetako bat da, bai OEM fabrikatzaileentzat, bai erremintak ordezkatzeko bezeroentzat Ipar Amerikako merkatuan.

This Plastic Shovel Handle is ergonomically designed for creating comfortable feeling and improving the productivity. The grip is etched with no-slip texture for better grip function. Unlike most of handles on market with hollow or concaved shape for saving material, Auwell Plastic Shovel Handle with overall solid body which dramatically increase the product durability, reliability and the lifetime.

The Plastic Shovel Handle is made by high quality polypropylene with great weatherability performance. It has 2 versions, with or without overmolding for the grip area. Without overmolding one grip version, the whole body is made by polypropylene, as comparison, the overmolded version, rubber-feeling TPE material is covered the grip area by additional injection process. The color of the polypropylene and TPE we make in accordance with client’s preference if the order qty. meets the MOQ requirements.

TPE bertsiorik gabe
TPE Overmold bertsioarekin
Koloretako TPE pertsonalizatua gehiegi moldatuta

The Plastic Shovel Handle is made with 2 rivet/screw holes for the handle to be assembled with the wooden handle by rivets or screws.

Auwell plastikozko palaren helduleku honen fabrikazioa da. Produktua 3 urte baino gehiago daramatza mundu osoko tresna fabrikatzaile eta banatzaileetara hornitzen. Plastikozko Pala Kirten produktuak interesatzen zaizkien bezeroak, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan jartzeko.

Zehaztapen Teknikoak

-Material:  polypropylene and TPE overmolding

-Kolorea: bezeroaren zehaztapenekin bat etor daiteke

-Weight: 0.5lbs (218g)

-Produktuaren neurriak: 7,7 € * 5,0 € (185mm * 130mm). Zuloaren tamaina muntatzen du: 1,25 â (32 mm) 2â (50 mm) sakonerarekin,

-Paketearen informazioa: eskaera egin ondoren


-Rich Experience

More than 10 years of experience in Plastic Shovel Handle product development and production, especially to the North American markets, with solid understanding of the end users’ expectation in function and quality.

-Fast Turnaround

For existing clients with confirmed brand, trade mark and package, 35 days lead time after getting order. For custom branded products, 60 days of delivery time.

-Comprehensive Solution Provider

Bezeroak OEM baditu garatu beharreko produktua, Auwell-ek plastikoarentzako zerbitzu integrala eskaintzen du Pala-heldulekuaren diseinua eta garapena diseinatzetik hasita, arte prototipoak, tresneria / lanabesen garapena, laginketa, produkzio masiboa eta logistika eta salmenta ondorengo laguntza.

-Rigid QC Policies

Kalitate-politika zorrotzena materialen kontroletik abiatzen da eta gure plastikozko palaren eskulekuen eskaerak behin betiko bidali aurretik ikuskatzen dira. Ziurtagiri materialen artean, errotaren ziurtagiria, hirugarrenen osagai kimikoak eta jabetza mekanikoen txostenak daude, baita RoHS eta REACH txostenak ere hala eskatuta. Gure prozesuak egituratu, fluxu-diagramak eta kontrolerako planak sortu aurretik, ziurtatu QC prozesu guztiak ISO9001-2015 eskakizunekin eta marrazkien zehaztapenekin bat datozela ziurtatuz.

-Ordainketa Malguaren Epe

Auwell offers flexible and favorable payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.


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