
Produktu berriak

Little Shingle Remover
  • Little Shingle RemoverLittle Shingle Remover

Little Shingle Remover

Bereziki diseinatutako Shingle Little Remover hau estalkiaren tresna ergonomikoki eraginkorra da, txakurraren hanka forma berezia duena.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

This unique dog paw shape Little Shingle Remover roofing tear-off tool was firstly developed and produced by Auwell in year 2010. We believe all of Little Shingle Remover products on market are manufactured and supplied by Auwell. This product is also called Little Shingle Ripper or Little Red Ripper on market.

LittleShingle Remover hau ergonomikoki eraginkorra da eta txakurren hanka-buruaren diseinua du hortzekin, tresnaren aurreko eta atzeko ertzetan, zoster, iltzeak, grapak eta torlojuak erraz kentzen dituztenak. Ezin hobea teilatuak, estalkiak, zoruak, horma lehorrak, estalkiak eta biluzteko beste hainbat aplikazio kentzeko.

Little ShingleRemover burua trakzio handiko aleaziozko altzairuz egina dago forjatuz, ondoren mekanizazioarekin eta tratamendu termikoarekin.

Zinta txikia kentzeko honen ezaugarriak honako hauek dira:

-Shingle Remover txikia 2727 "altzairu kirtenarekin tratatutako bero tratatutako karbonozko altzairuz egina dago

-The Little Shingle Remover in two directions, forwards and backwards

-Pala karbonozko altzairu sendotu eta beroarekin tratatuta dago

-Steel handle with a comfort rubber feeling grip designed for reduce user fatigue and enhancing the job performance and productivity.

-Angle handle design to maximize torque and prevent knuckle injuries.

Auwell is the manufacture that produces and exports this Little Shingle Remover to North American market in last 10 years. We are able to offer the products with clients’ brand name, trade mark and color scheme. Distributors that are interested in this product, please contact us for details..


Technical Specifications

-Material: Mild steel, surface hardened

-Azalera: hautsez estalia, kolorea eskatuta.

-Weight: 3.3lb (1.50kg)

-Total length: 32 in. (813mm), handle length: 27 in. (686mm)

-Package information:  


Paletaren neurria (cm)

Qty./Pallet (pcs)

Paletaren pisua (kg)






ShingleRemover txikia








-Esperientzia aberatsa

Auwell munduan Shingle Remover-en lehen garatzailea da, 10 urte baino gehiagoko esperientzia du Little Shingle Remover ekoizpenean, batez ere Ipar Amerikako merkatuetan, azken erabiltzaileen itxaropen funtzioa eta kalitatea ondo ulertuz.

-Aldaketa azkarra

For existing clients with confirmed brand, trade mark and package, 45 days lead time after getting order. For custom branded products, 60 days of delivery time.

-Comprehensive Solution Provider

Auwell provides comprehensive services for roofing products design and development starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.

-QC politika zurrunak

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.

-Ordainketa Malguaren Epe

Auwellek malgutasunez eta ordainketa onuragarrizko baldintzak eskaintzen ditu, arrazoizko kreditu baldintzak emango dira, bezeroak bakarrik ordaindu du jasotako produktuarekin pozik dagoenean. Epe luzerako proiektuetarako, deialdien inbentario zerbitzuak eskaintzen ditugu entrega azkarreko eskakizunetarako.

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Hot Tags: Little Shingle Remover, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Factory, Customized, Made in China, China

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