BundleBuddy is a caddy that attatches to ladder and holds up to 185lbs of material right where you need it.
Bundlebuddy zure eskailerari atxikitako caddyt bat da eta behar zen lekuan 185 kiloko materiala eduki dezake.
BundleBuddy was created by an experienced roofer as a solution to inconveniences encountered every day on the job – getting bundles to where they’re needed, keeping them in place and reducing the time spent reloading. Bundlebuddy as designed to be lightweight for easy transportation, placement and loading, but strong enough to hold 570lbs fully loaded (step holds a person up to 385lbs + 185lbs of material in the pocket).
Hauek dira BuddleBunddy-ren ezaugarri bereziak:
-Kargatzeko erraza da eta segurtasunez gordetzen du materiala leku egoki batean
-Pisu arina erraz garraiatzeko eta kokatzeko
-Helps reduce weight on a ladder plank when beginning installation a steep roof pitch
-Pocket load capacity: 185lbs (84kg)
-Step-ek 385 libra (175 kg) pertsona eduki ditzake
The BundleBuddy is produced by high grade aluminum with surface anodized for better corrosion resistance performance. We have another version made by steel bar with surface powder coated, this version has same function and weight whereas the cost is cheaper.
Auwell is the contracted manufacture of BundleBuddy, distributors that are interested in this product, please contact us, we will give you our exclusive distributor contact information in North America.
Technical Specifications
-Material: Aluminum, aluminum square tube, carbon steel
-Azalera: anodizatutako hautsa
-Pisua: 7,93 libra (3,6 kg)
-Produktuaren dimentsioa: 17,3 in. * 3,15 in. * 12,9in. (440mm * 80mm * 305mm)
-Paketearen informazioa:
Description |
Paletaren neurria (cm) |
Qty./Pallet (pcs) |
Pallet Weight (cm) |
L |
W |
H |
G.W |
N.W |
BundleBuddy Alu. |
105 |
92 |
112 |
30 |
139 |
114 |
BundleBuddy Steel |
105 |
92 |
112 |
30 |
117 |
92 |
-Esperientzia aberatsa
More than 20 years of experience in different kind of roof tooling products development and production, especially to the North American markets, with solid understanding of the end users’ expectation in function and quality.
-Aldaketa azkarra
Baieztatutako marka, marka komertziala eta paketea duten lehendik dauden bezeroentzat, eskaera jaso eta 45 egun lehenago. Marka pertsonalizatuko produktuetarako, entrega eguneko 60 egunetan.
-Comprehensive Solution Provider
Auwell-ek zerbitzu estaliak eskaintzen ditu estalkien produktuak diseinatzeko eta garatzeko, diseinutik hasita, prototipoak, tresneria / lanabesen garapena, laginketa, produkzio masiboa eta salmenta osteko laguntza logistikoa.
-QC politika zurrunak
The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.
-Ordainketa Malguaren Epe
Auwell offers flexible and favorable payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.
Lotutako produktuak