
Produktu berriak



DrywalPro hautsik gabeko horma lehorreko tresna bakarra, iraultzailea, patentatua, patentatu gabea da.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

DrywalPro hautsik gabeko horma lehorreko lixatzeko tresna berria, iraultzailea, patentatua eta patentatua. Artisauek artisauentzat diseinatua, DrywalPro hauts gabeko akabera sortzen duen akabera tresna bakarra da. Drywalpro kontratista eta brikolajearentzako aproposa da, DrywalPro-k horma lehorreko akabera garbiagoa, azkarragoa eta dibertigarriagoa bihurtzen du!

Presioak eragindako palak azkar konbinatzen du konposatua, hautsa lixatuz eta gainazal leuna eta koherentea sortuz. Bizarra uztutako konposatu konposatua zuzenean lurrera erortzen da eta metodo tradizionalek sortzen duten aireko hautsa ezabatzen da.
DrywalPro-ren gurpil iraunkorrak leunki irristatzen dira horma lehorrean zehar, gainazala kaltetu gabe, eta tratamendu termikoa duen palak ahaleginik gabe konposatu konposatu kopurua leuntzen du akabera ezin hobean.

DrywalPro lau aldetako pal ordezkagarri batekin dator, iraupen maximorako biratu daitekeena.

Main Futures:

-Durable wheels glide smoothly on surfaces

-Magnetic silicone finger pad for comfort

-Knurled retention screws to adjust blade

-4 sided, heat treated, long life blade made by high grad tool steel

-Replaceable spacers for perfect shaving gap

Auwell DrywalPro-ren fabrikazio kontratua da. Produktu hau interesatzen zaien banatzaileak dira. Jarri gurekin harremanetan, Ipar Amerikako banatzaile esklusiboari buruzko informazioa emango dizugu.

Zehaztapen Teknikoak

-Material: Durable ABS for body, high grade tool steel for blade

-Pisua: 0,96 kg (0,435 kg)

-Product dimension: 12.1 in.*3.74 in.*2.48 in.(308mm*95mm*63mm)

-Package information:


Paletaren neurria (cm)

Kopurua / Paleta (pz)

Pallet Weight (cm)














-Rich Experience

More than 20 years of experience in different kind of construction tooling products development and production, especially to the North American markets, with solid understanding of the end users’ expectation in function and quality.

-Fast Turnaround

For existing clients with confirmed brand, trade mark and package, 45 days lead time after getting order. For custom branded products, 60 days of delivery time.

-Irtenbide integrala

Auwell provides comprehensive services for patented tooling products design and development starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.

-Rigid QC Policies

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.

-Flexible Payment Term

Auwell offers flexible and favorable payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.

Lotutako produktuak

Shingle Shovel
Little Shingle Remover
Roof Anchor
Fixed Roof Bracket
Teilatuko euskarri erregulagarria
Ladder Dock
Lehorreko Aizkora

Hot Tags: DrywalPro, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Factory, Customized, Made in China, China

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