
Produktu berriak

Dog Bowl
  • Dog BowlDog Bowl

Dog Bowl

German design luxurious Dog Bowl with specialy anti-flipping mechanism, heavy-duty with ajustable height.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

Txakur-ontzi bakarra, Alemanian diseinatua, iraulketaren aurkako mekanismo berezi batez hornitua. Altuera erregulagarria zure txakurrarekin hazten da txakurkumeetatik hasi eta azken urteetara arte. Kalitate handiko 304 altzairu herdoilgaitzez egina, luxuzko azal matearekin. Karbono altzairuzko ordezko bertsioak eskuragarri daude, zuri krema, belar berdea eta burdin gris koloreekin estalita

The anti-flipping mechanism consists of a clamp and a specially designed spring clip fitted at either end of the bowl. The streamline, arc shaped feet come with non-skidding rubber covers.

Ezaugarri nagusiak:

2 txakur ontzi multzoa (2,8 L, 98,56 OZ ontzi bakoitzeko) ontzi garbigailu distiratsu seguru altzairu herdoilgaitzez egina. Janari osoarekin eta urarekin batera osatutako otordu oso gisa funtzionatzen du.
Adjustable height reducing the strain on your dog’s neck, back and joints. It is a great way to prevent painful and expensive health issues by providing them with a comfortable posture when eating, it will also encourage your dog to drink more water.
2 versions available, 304 stainless steel with matt surface, also high-quality carbon steel coated with different attractive colors to meet the clients’ diverse requirements.

Auwell is the manufacture that produces and exports this Dog Bowl product worldwide. We are able to offer the products with clients’ brand name, trade mark and color scheme. Distributors that are interested in this product, please contact us for details.

Technical Specifications

-Material: 304 stainless steel, carbon steel with powder coating

-Bowl size: 98.56 OZ each, (2.8L*2)

-Weight: 6.21lbs (2.82kg)

-Product dimension: 21.7 in.*11.8 in.*6.69 in. (550*300*170mm)

-Paketearen informazioa:


Pallet Size (cm)

Qty./Pallet (pcs)

Paletaren pisua (cm)






Dog Bowl








-Rich Experience

More than 20 years of experience in different kind of OEM/ODM tooling products development and production, especially to the North American markets, with solid understanding of the end users’ expectation in function and quality.

-Aldaketa azkarra

Baieztatutako marka, marka komertziala eta paketea duten lehendik dauden bezeroentzat, eskaera jaso eta 45 egun lehenago. Marka pertsonalizatuko produktuetarako, entrega eguneko 60 egunetan.

-Comprehensive Solution Provider

Auwell provides comprehensive services for OEM/ODM products design and development starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.

-Rigid QC Policies

Kalitate politika zorrotzena materialen kontroletik abiatzen da, eta azken bidalketa aurreko ikuskapenera arte jarraitzen da. Materialen ziurtagirien artean, errotaren ziurtagiria, hirugarrenen osagai kimikoak eta jabetza mekanikoen txostenak daude, baita RoHS eta REACH txostenak ere hala eskatuta. Gure prozesuak egituratzen ditugu, fluxu-diagramak eta kontrol-planak sortu aurretik, ziurtatu QC prozesu guztiak ISO9001-2015 eskakizunekin eta zehaztapenen marrazkiekin bat datozela ziurtatuz.

-Flexible Payment Term

Auwell offers flexible and favorable payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.


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