
Produktu berriak

Little Shingle Ripper
  • Little Shingle RipperLittle Shingle Ripper

Little Shingle Ripper

This specially designed Little Shingle Ripper is an ergonomically efficient roofing tear-off tool with unique dog par shape.

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This unique dog paw shape Shingle Ripper txikia roofing tear-off tool was firstly developed and produced by Auwell in year 2010. We believe all of Shingle Ripper txikia products on market are manufactured and supplied by Auwell. This product is also called Little Shingle Remover or Little Red Ripper on market.

This Shingle Ripper txikia is ergonomically efficient and has a featured dog paw head design with the teeth on both the front and back edges of the tool that easily remove shingles, nails, staples and screws. Perfect for removing roofing, flashings, flooring, drywall, decking and many other stripping applications.

Shingle Ripper txikia burua trakzio handiko aleaziozko altzairuarekin egiten da forjatuz, eta ondoren mekanizazioarekin eta tratamendu termikoarekin, burua erabat astuna eta sendoa da eraispen lanen errendimendu eraginkorra lortzeko.

Shingle Ripper txiki honen ezaugarriak honako hauek dira:

-Shingle Ripper txikia eraiki da, 27 "altzairuzko heldulekuarekin tratatutako bero tratatutako karbonozko altzairuz egina dago

-Shingle Ripper txikia bi norabidetan, aurrera eta atzera

-Pala karbonozko altzairu sendotu eta beroarekin tratatuta dago

-Steel handle with a comfort rubber feeling grip designed for reduce user fatigue and enhancing the job performance and productivity.

-Angeluaren heldulekuaren diseinua momentua maximizatzeko eta artilezko lesioak ekiditeko.

Auwell is the manufacture that produces and exports this Shingle Ripper txikia to North American market in last 10 years. We are able to offer the products with clients’ brand name, trade mark and color scheme. Distributors that are interested in this product, please contact us for details..


Technical Specifications

-Material: Mild steel, surface hardened

-Azalera: hautsez estalia, kolorea eskatuta.

-Pisua: 1,50 kg (3,3 lb)

-Total length: 32 in. (813mm), handle length: 27 in. (686mm)

-Paketearen informazioa:


Paletaren neurria (cm)

Qty./Pallet (pcs)

Pallet Weight (kg)






Shingle Ripper txikia








-Rich Experience

Auwell is the first developer of Shingle Ripper txikia in the world, with more than 10 years of experience in Shingle Ripper txikia production, especially to the North American markets, with solid understanding of the end users’ expectation in function and quality.

-Fast Turnaround

Baieztatutako marka, marka komertziala eta paketea duten lehendik dauden bezeroentzat, eskaera jaso eta 45 egun lehenago. Marka pertsonalizatuko produktuetarako, entrega eguneko 60 egunetan.

-Irtenbide hornitzaile integrala

Auwell provides comprehensive services for roofing products design and development starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.

-QC politika zurrunak

Kalitate politika zorrotzena materialen kontroletik abiatzen da, eta azken bidalketen aurreko ikuskapenera arte jarraitzen da. Materialen ziurtagirien artean, errotaren ziurtagiria, hirugarrenen osagai kimikoak eta jabetza mekanikoen txostenak daude, baita RoHS eta REACH txostenak ere eskatuta. Gure prozesuak egituratzen ditugu, Fluxu Diagramak eta Kontrol Planak ekoiztu aurretik, QC prozesu guztiak ISO9001-2015 eskakizunekin eta zehaztapenen marrazkiekin bat datozela ziurtatuz.

-Flexible Payment Term

Auwell offers flexible and favorable payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.

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