
Produktu berriak

Tightline Boat Anchor
  • Tightline Boat AnchorTightline Boat Anchor

Tightline Boat Anchor

Tightline Boat Aingura aingura arina, trinkoa, tolesgarria eta erraz gordetzeko aingura da, kayak, konoe eta itsasontzi pertsonalerako jendearentzat.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena

The Tightline Boat Anchor K5 is specifically designed to meet the needs of the kayak, canoe and personal watercraft crowd. Stay put in your favorite fishing spot with precision using the Tightline Anchors. The Tightline Boat Anchors K5 is lightweight and compact for easy storage on your kayak. A ROSCO 12/0 shark swivel is secured to a loop on 7x19 strand of stainless steel cable for lasting strength when throwing or retrieving. The Tightline Boat Anchor K5 is assembled out of tough 12 gauge stainless steel and fastened with 316 stainless steel rivets. With an aggressive grapnel design, this anchor ensures a quick and deep anchor bite every time.

Tightline Boat Anchor K5 produktuaren ezaugarriak:

-K5 trinkoa da, 9 zentimetroko altuera du, tolestagarria da eta 3,5 kilo baino gutxiago pisatzen du.

-The K5 is constructed completely of 316 grade stainless steel ensuring corrosion resistance and performance in saltwater environments.

-Besoetako pibota sendoen errematxek pibota puntu leuna, isila eta segurua bermatzen dute 1700 kilotik gorako ebakidura-maila dutenak.

-Zehaztasun birakaria erantsi da, aingura lerroa bihurrituko ez dela ziurtatzeko eta gainazal leuna izan dadin lotzeko.

-Brake-spade gure diseinu agresiboak aingura ziztadarik azkarrena eta sakonena bermatzen du harea solteetan, algetan, lokatzetan eta arroka solte edo handietan.

-Break-away eyelets on the anchor base allow you to rig the K5 for retrieval should it become hung up under the water.

-The K5 easily collapses for transport and conserves space in your vessel and is compatible with the Anchor Wizard.

Auwell Tightline Boat Anchor K5 fabrikazioaren kontratua da. Produktu hau interesatzen zaien banatzaileekin jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan, iparramerikan banatzailearen esklusiborako informazioa emango dizugu.

Zehaztapen Teknikoak

-Material: 316 stainless steel

-Pisua: 3,66 libra (1,66 kg)

-Produktuaren dimentsioa: 5,2 in. * 5.2 in. * 11.4 in. (132 * 132 * 290mm)

-Package information:


Pallet Size (cm)

Kopurua / Paleta (pcs)

Pallet Weight (cm)






Tightline Boat Anchor K5








-Esperientzia aberatsa

More than 20 years of experience in different kind of OEM/ODM tooling products development and production, especially to the North American markets, with solid understanding of the end users’ expectation in function and quality.

-Fast Turnaround

For existing clients with confirmed brand, trade mark and package, 45 days lead time after getting order. For custom branded products, 60 days of delivery time.

-Comprehensive Solution Provider

Auwell provides comprehensive services for OEM/ODM products design and development starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.

-QC politika zurrunak

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.

-Flexible Payment Term

Auwellek malgutasunez eta ordainketa onuragarrizko baldintzak eskaintzen ditu, arrazoizko kreditu baldintzak emango dira, bezeroak bakarrik ordaindu du jasotako produktuarekin pozik dagoenean. Epe luzerako proiektuetarako, deialdien inbentario zerbitzuak eskaintzen ditugu entrega azkarreko eskakizunetarako.


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